Acupuncture in Milton


At the Halton Community Rehabilitation Centre Registered Physiotherapists provide acupuncture for musculoskeletal or orthopaedic conditions as part of your physiotherapy visit.

Acupuncture or Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) can be used safely and effectively to treat a number of conditions. Acupuncture can stimulate the body to help to reduce pain, accelerate your body’s natural ability to heal, and reduce inflammation.

What can you expect during your visit?

Your physiotherapist will include acupuncture as one of the many types of treatment interventions offered. The number of visits you will require varies depending on the condition being treated, from only 1-2 visits up to several weeks. Your therapist will review the risks and benefits with you before starting treatment. With your safety in mind, HCRC ensures sterile, disposable needles are used. This prevents the risk of infection or disease.

Get in Touch

Please, fill out the form below in as much detail as possible so that we are able to understand your individual needs. We try to respond personally to all our emails within 24 business hours.

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